5 Websites That Benefited Me The Most As A New Blogger

By on 11:49

When starting up www.reviewcosmos.com, I found it hard as a new blogger to get the site up and running to a sufficient standard and to get enough traffic in to motivate me to carry on providing content. In its short lifetime, I have managed to gain a reasonable viewer base, making me want to keep on blogging and hopefully grow the website alongside this. In this article, I will be sharing the websites that really enabled me to get my feet off the ground, so to speak, and made me want to progress as a blogger due to the traffic it has given me.

1. Twitter

Twitter has been such an advantageous tool for me in the early stages of my blogging life as it has given me the opportunity to branch out and reach not only my followers but the followers of other bloggers. This tool is so powerful because it not only gains you a regular reader base but allows you to reach territories that you never thought was possible. Lets put this into perspective, if you have 50 followers and you are tweeting your content to them, you might receive 20 views on that link. Then one day you create the most entertaining, informative and helpful post you have ever created and you tweet this to your 50 followers. You check back in an hour and see not only a magnitude of page views but 1000 followers. Your content was so inspiring that a follower with 10.000 followers of their own re-tweeted your article and before you know it you are branching out to 950 more followers, creating an even higher chance of the cycle repeating. This, in my opinion, is the most powerful tool in networking quickly and effectively.
Follow www.reviewcosmos.com on Twitter : https://twitter.com/#!/ReviewCosmos

2. Blogger Link-Up

Although it is not as well known as Twitter, Facebook..etc, Blogger Link Up can be a very useful networking tool. I say this because it gives the new blogger the opportunity to create backlinks to his/her site which are vital in getting a high Google page rank, allows you to create networks between yourself and fellow bloggers and mainly gives you free content that is critical in your website/blog's growth. The majority of the time, the bloggers who approach you are reasonably skilled writers who will add top quality content to your blog and this in turn will improve many aspects of your website. People visit your site for the content so the content you post is key, by using Blogger Link Up you can get not only traffic but traffic interested in what you have to say, resulting in loyal readers.
If you are interested in guest posting on www.reviewcosmos.com, email us at admin@reviewcosmos.com.

3. Reddit

Later in the post I am going to talk about Digg, which is far bigger than Reddit. However, personally Reddit is by far the more effective toll for the novice blogger. There are many reasons for this, for example by having a lower post submission volume, there is a much greater chance of your articles featuring on the newly submitted page and other pages within the site. I submitted a recent articles, 3 Reasons Why You Need Skyrim, and to my surprise, within ten minutes I had achieved 200 pageviews. This motivated me further to keep on producing content and posting it to Reddit, which gives me a nice visitor return on my content. As Google and other search engines take into account how many hit a certain post gets, these frequent hits received from Reddit can really push your website/blog far in a very short space of time.

4. Facebook

It's common knowledge that Facebook is one of, if not the biggest social networking sites on the internet. Due to this, the opportunities available to new bloggers. and bloggers of old, to spread the word about their website in order to attract more traffic and regular readers. With all the millions of users on Facebook, there is extremely high traffic potential and by just setting up a page for your site or blog on Facebook and directing traffic to that page will soon gain you a reasonable amount of traffic. Even if the majority of the traffic doesn't turn into your regular reader base, every little helps and by putting your website name into the vast social network can only be beneficial. Although it isn't the most effective tool out there, it is still very advantageous in combination with good content, other social networking sites and other social bookmarking sites such as Digg, Reddit..etc.

5. Digg

Even though Reddit is more advantageous to the new blogger, Digg is still a very strong in the way that it provides your website with high quality backlinks and an opportunity to really shine. As Digg is recognized as a very successful site, when you post an article on there Google recognizes that link back to your site as a very valuable one, therefore increasing your page rank. Despite this, it is very challenging to promote your article on Digg as opposed to other social bookmarking sites as the content needs to be very attractive to the reader in order to receive 'digs', similar to 'likes' on Facebook, which propel your article further if it gains a number of 'digs' and readers. A lot like Facebook, Digg is very effective in combination with the other websites mentioned in this post which was a winning formula, in my opinion, to get the traffic needed to kick start your blogging experience.

The Winning Formula

Yes these sites are all very powerful tools in progressing your website and as a blogger yourself but the majority of the success comes down to the content within your website. CONTENT IS KEY! If you get the content right, using these 5 resources, this is a winning formula as it provides you with traffic, links and mainly content.

I hope this article was helpful to you, thank you for reading. For more reviews, tips and advice visit us again: ReviewCosmos. I hope to see you back again soon!

About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.


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