Firstly, visit Dawnstar which is located to the south east of the map. Once you get there, if you look to your left you will see a tent. Depending on the time, there will be a Khajiit NPC called Ahkari either in the tent or around that general area. Talk to her and see what she has for sale and browse her wares.
Next, you want to head towards the path leading to the White Hall, the residence of the Jarl, and carry on going past this towards the mine. If you are facing in the direction that has the mine to the right of you, you will see an area of small trees and rocks on the ground. Go over to rocks and go into sneak mode. Move the cross-hairs around the middle area between the three rocks.
When the cursor passes over the correct spot, an option to search a chest will appear. Choose the search the chest and you will be able to choose from a large selection of items, some rare and some not. Once you have taken what you want from the chest, a series of events need to happen in order for the chest to reappear.
Firstly, go back over to Ahkari and wait 48 hours.Secondly, if Ahkari is not there, due to her travelling across Skyrim, wait longer until she appears. After this, talk to her again and browse through her collection of items yet again. If these are done correctly then the chest will respawn over ad over again with a different variety of items every time, therefore resulting in a lot of money and an enchanting level increase if you disenchant the rarer items.
I hope you guys enjoy this glitch and take full advantage of it before it is patched, or will it be? Come back soon for more Skyrim tips, tricks and useful information.For other Gaming tip videos visit SungiGaming on Youtube. Thank you for reading.
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